"She replies: I've already had one."
"With a gesture which he meant
to be affectionate, he touched her knee
and stroked the fabric of her skirt.
The End."
- A cat? Absolutely not.
- Why?
You may be allergic to cats' hair.
Whence comes, sir, this love for cats?
From Baudelaire, madame.
"Fervent lovers and austere scholars
Both love cats."
And you, madame,
do you like this poem?
"Friends of science and of delight"
"They seek the silence
and horror of darkness"
Did you get that from the library?
Show me.
It's poetry. And yet...
"Yet peacefully,
Charlemagne and his knights
"Left the mountain, forgetting fights"
"The Flowers of Evil"?
- You think it's right at his age?
- Yes, I think so.
Oh, well.
How does he seem to you?
- Very well. It is you who are pale.
- Oh, me...
My dream would be a few days...
...in the mountains.
"Yet peacefully,
Charlemagne and his knights"
"Left the mountain,
forgetting fights"
Let's go and see Eric.
Baudelaire is a great poet.
And a great lover of cats.
We shall read this today.
"The Cats"...
I'd rather it was this one.