Have mercy. Don't be a sadist.
"I'd been walking for a while
between clipped thujas and yews,
and I'd reached a sort of lawn
arranged for children,
a small pool in the middle
surrounded by benches."
"On one of them,
a young girl was reading a book..."
Your voice.
- It's all your voice.
- My voice?
It penetrates as far...
I've never heard such a voice...
Marie, look. I'm shivering.
"I'd been watching this girl,
when the event took place."
"Two youths,
I was tempted to think hooligans,
appeared near the bench,
sat down on either side of her,
clearly intent on bothering her
and making her react."
"They began by making remarks,
doubtless intended to be funny,
but which only made her
concentrate on her reading
in an attempt to escape,
make herself totally deaf and dumb."
"Their words and laughter flew
around her in a rather sinister game."
"Finally, she shut her book
and stood up."
"One of them seized her wrist
and forced her to sit down."