One hundred feet.
You´re still thinking about her.
Don´t think about her anymore.
There are so many women
in the world.
Plenty of women everywhere, right?
Smoking is absolutely forbidden.
It isn´t lit yet.
You shouldn´t even
carry cigarettes on board.
Listen, we´re not supposed
to piss either...
but that doesn´t stop you
from carrying it on board.
The rules are the rules.
- What´s your name again?
- Noireuter.
And where did you say
you were from?
Two hundred.
I was 17.
I loved her so much,
I tried to die for her.
Two years later,
I couldn´t even remember her name.
Let me tell you...
time erases everything.
I don´t want to erase anything.
Fourhundredfifty feet,
end of descent.
You have enough air
for 15 minutes.
What´s with the voice?