Die! Die, earthling!
- Where did you get that?
- Uncle Tony gave it to me.
- Uncle Tony?
- He gave me this, too. A $100 bill!
- He bought some stuf for you, too!
- Oh, yeah?
Joey, stop it!
Whats the mater, Ma?
Tony is not your uncle. Hes not a relative.
And I dont want you
taking presents from him any more.
Can I keep the Lazer Tag stuf?
No. Sorry.
Run upstairs and do your homework.
Because I care.
- Your receipts, Mrs de Marco.
- Mm-hm, mm-hm.
Your generosity is overwhelming.
Here - the pink slip to the car, and
the address where to pick it up tonight.
God bless you, Mrs de Marco.
Forget about it. Oh, after tonight...
- Yes?
- Lose that address.