A girl went back to Napoli
Because she missed the scenery
The native dancesand the charming songs
But wait a minute
Somethings wrong
'Hey, mambo! Mambo italiano!
'Hey, mambo! Mambo italiano!
Go, go, go, you mixed-up siciliano
You calabrese,do the mambo like-a crazy
With a hey, mambo!Dont wanna tarantella
'Hey, mambo! No more-a mozzarella
'Hey, mambo! Mambo italiano!
Try an enchilada with the fishy bacalao
And then-a hey, goombah
I love-a how you dance the rumba
But take some advice, paisano
Learn how to mambo
If you gonna be a square,you aint-a gonna go nowhere
'Hey, mambo! Mambo italiano!
'Hey, mambo! Mambo italiano!
Go, go, Joe! Shake-a like-a Giovanno
'Hello, kess-a-deetch-a,get-a happy in the feets-a
When you mambo italiano
Shake-a, baby, shake-acos I love-a when you take-a me
Mama say You stop-aor Im gonna tell-a Papa
And-a hey, jadrool,you dont-a have to go to school
Just make-a with the beat, bambino
Its like-a vino