No, I did.
What do you think?
Lts a brand-new you.
Thanks... I think.
Take care of yourself.
Drink plenty of fluids.
Makes footsteps) Thanks for the advice!
Joey) Ma, can I stay over
at Davids house Friday night?
- I dont know, hon.
- Please. Davids mother will be there.
OK. Friday night will be OK.
Woof, woof, woof.
Promotion in this for the both of us.
I ran into her twice today.
She seems so... nice, Ed.
I just cant figure it out, you know.
The move, this place...
- The job hunt.
- knocking)
Hi, Mike.
Here are those... 12-hour cold tablets
I was... You know, just in case.
Jeez, um...
I feel beter already. Must have
just been a six-hour bug. But thanks.
Mike, would you like
to go out on a date with me?
You know, if you want to.
You know, just dinner or, uh...
Uh, yeah. Sure.
How about Friday night?
Friday night sounds great.
- Great!
- Hey, Ma!
- Hey! Howd you know where I was?
- I followed your voice.
Some detective!
Mike, this is my son Joey.
- Hiya, Joey.
- Hi.
Mom, did the cavemen
kill all the dinosaurs?