Midnight Run


What the hell is he doing here?
We have a male Caucasian
with a green duffel bag...

...with his hand in his vest,
approaching the subjects.

Get him out of there as quickly
and as quietly as possible.

Shoot him if you have to,
but get him out of here.

-You okay, Jon?

-Stand behind me.
-lt's all right.

Come on.
-How's everybody doin'?
-Get out of here?

Back off, everybody.
-Who are you?
-Are you writin' a book? Who are you?

Who is he?
You're missin' the bigger picture here.
Get out of here.

Wire's gone dead.
-Are you crazy?
-l didn't come all this way for nothin'.

-Serrano's leaving.
-Did he take the disks?

l don't know.
-Serrano's got the disks.
-Let him go.

He got the disks.
Did he take the disks?
l couldn't tell. There's too much goin' on.
Serrano's got the disks. He's got the disks.
Marvin, look out!
l'm not fallin' for that again.
You stupid fuck, will you look out!
Serrano's got the disks!
Move in.
Take it easy! Come on!
Goddamn it! Who the fuck are you guys?
There's somethin' l've been wanting to say
for ten years.

-What's that?
-''You're under arrest.''

We'll catch up to each other
one of these days.

Maybe we will.
-We still got our deal?
-We got our deal.

Wait a minute! What deal?
Why does he get special treatment?
