I'm dreaming.
That's it, I'm dreaming.
Hey! Stop!
Hey, look.
Don't hurt me, man, OK?
Look, just look in the trunk...
and get you
a stereo or speakers, man.
I got Nakamichi, Pioneer...
I got everything, man.
- Just help yourself, all right?
- Would you just shut up?
I'll say it was
a Mexican family, OK?
- I ain't even seen your face!
- Shut up! Shut up!
- Just go back the on-ramp.
- OK, whatever you say, man.
Just drive as fast as you can
and keep going.
Don't stop at any light
unless I say so.
This is as fast as it goes!
This is the wrong way!
You're not going to hurt me,
are you?
Look, I've never hurt anybody
in my entire life...
but I'm gonna use this
if I have to.
What's your name?
It's Wilson.
Wilson? Well, I'm Harry.
What's the hurry, Harry?
I got to catch a plane.