Wait here.
She doesn't know yet,
and I don't think she should...
so let's just leave the car,
and we'll go up to the heliport.
It's right across the street.
We're not going with you, Harry.
We want to savor our time
together if this is happening.
We're going to go to Lucy's
favorite place, Cantor's...
and I'm gonna have
the greasiest, fattest...
triple-bypass pastrami sandwich
they got.
Well, I'm going
to let him eat it.
This is so great.
This is so completely great!
I don't believe this.
We just want to say
good-bye, honey.
We love you.
You, too, Harry.
Well, wait. Wait, wait.
Where are you going?
- We got a lot to talk about.
- Lots of catching up to do.
You kids take care now.
- Ease off on the gas, Lucy.
- Oh, criminy!
For crying out loud, Lucy,
ease up!
Well, no, no, no.
I want... I want to go! Wait!
It's all right. They're
going to be fine. Come on.
How did they ever get together?
Tell me what's going on.
- Well...
- Come on.
It's a secret.
I want to spend some time
with them, Harry.
I want to talk with them.
What's the hurry?
I'll tell you
when we get up to the top, OK?
Where's the sable?
I don't know where the sable is!
Where are the hollow points?
You were supposed to bring
the hollow points!
Oh, God, just forget it.
Come on!
I mean,
I don't want to be rude...
and ruin this romantic surprise
you've got going...
but, you know, I'd really
rather go down to Cantor's...
and have breakfast
with them, OK?
I mean, you know, no offense...
but we can go up in a balloon
any old morning, right?
Can't we?
what happened to your face?
- Oh, I just slipped and fell.
- It looks bad.
It's nothing.
I broke my glasses.
It looks... let's just go have
pancakes at Cantor's, Harry.
- Hold it! Hold it! Hold it!
- Hold the elevator!