My Stepmother Is an Alien

A dog.
The system. I blew out every
resistance backup in the place...

...including telemetry trackers.
Those boys from defence were so mad.

'Cause that's what they use
for tracking missiles....

I must be boring the pants off you.
-No. They're still on.

-Then what happened, Dr. Steve?
-I don't really know what happened.

It must have been something
I did in the lab.

Maybe I forgot to take a note
or dropped a setting.

Show me what you did.
Show me in your mighty lab.
I can't. They fired me.
You know I'm a little cold.
Would you mind very much if I just...

...stuck my hands right in your pockets?
Yes, that's better.
So, Celeste...
...where are you from?
The nether-lands.
Oh, Holland.
No, the nether-lands.
For an astronomer
you have the most wonderful fibres.

And you've got yourself
a handful right now.

I can't get back in that lab.
They're gonna kiss!
Does he know how?
Well, of course.
I saw him do it once in 1983.

I'm a bad apple.
Excuse me a minute.
I shouldn't be wearing this, should I?
It's very nice.
Then what should I wear?
