Poltergeist III

My grandma always called her Trish.
But Aunt Pat hates it.
She thinks it's déclassé.

- Call her Pat, will you?
- I'll try.

- You want to help me make breakfast?
- I'd love to.

What does "déclassé" mean?
Come on.
I heard Mom and Pop called last night.

Yeah, they did.
Just a second.
We're gonna be late again,
and you still have to use my eyeliner...

which I have.
- Here.
- Thanks.

You look great.
Now remember, less is more.
We got eggs, sausage, bacon, dill pickles.
What will it be?

No. Not again.
I cook. You set the table.
- Done.
- A masterpiece.

- A veritable Picasso.
- He would have put your nose over here.

Can I borrow this?
- You look like an Eskimo.
- I'm a California person.

I'm not used to wearing this stuff.
Listen, surfer girl,
the week before you got here...

the temperature got above zero
for about six minutes.

If it's this cold inside, you're gonna
appreciate those when you get outside.

Doesn't it ever get warm in Chicago?
You are going to regret
that remark come August, young lady.

August? I'm supposed to go home
before August.

If I had my way, I'd keep you here forever.
- What are you gonna wear tonight?
- Last year's salary.

- It wasn't that expensive.
- Yeah?

- What are you gonna wear, Dad?
- My tux.

- The one you wore to your wedding?
- Yeah, that one.

- Fashion's never been your father's thing.
- It's a year old, dear.

I think he looks handsome
in his wedding pictures.

- There you are. The voice of sanity.
- I agree.
