for them to send someone
all this way to baby-sit him home.
What did he do?
Pee on the Kremlin?
I gotta apologize
for my partner, Captain.
He's just naturally suspicious.
Did you arrest Viktor?
- Me? It was patrolmen.
- Where?
Right near his hotel,
The Garvin.
It's a breeding ground for pushers,
pimps, prostitutes.
Take me there.
We got you booked
at the Executive House.
Please. Garvin.
You sure you wanna stay here?
It's horrible. You have a choice.
I stay here.
- If you're on a budget-
- Thank you.
I will be fine.
You're the boss.
I'll pick you up
at 9:00 in the morning.
Nice talking to you, Captain.
- What do you think?
- I think he's a jerk.
- Danko.
- You're welcome.
Put your name in the big book
right there.
You had man here called "Rosta."
Viktor Rosta.
- A Russian?
- Soviet.
I want same room.
Are you Russian too?
Nice going.