The people have many needs.
One is law and order;
other, entertainment.
We both have our codes.
Yours, one of the state.
one of thieves.
We both respect courage.
We even hold our own lives
in contempt.
You have contempt for all life.
You don't, huh?
You killed my friend.
You killed my brother.
Your brother was criminal.
A dead man is a dead man.
After 70 years, the doors
begin to open in Moskva.
Our first taste of freedom
will be cut with cocaine.
Any country
that can survive Stalin...
can certainly handle
a little dope.
I think you should come off
your high horse, Captain...
and start to talk business.
You have my key.
I need it quite badly.
I'm willing to pay
for it generously.
More than you can make
in ten years.
I do not sell drugs.
You are so foolish.
I thought you might
be more reasonable.
Money has a way
of doing that to a man.
But no.
I don't think so.
Not with you.
You are one of those
kind of Soviets...
that only look
forward to death.