He made us watch him
kill our dog.
He said he would
kill my wife next.
Get up there.
- Hello?
- Mrs Berger?
Please don't be alarmed.
You're going to be all right.
I'm here with your husband.
Now, please, let me speak
with the man there with you.
- Mrs Berger?
- Yes?
Hit the lights.
This is Special Agent Stantin
ofthe FBl.
You can see that the house
is completely surrounded.
We have Mr Berger and
the diamonds in our custody.
I'm going to give you some instructions.
Ifyou follow them exactly...
no harm will come to you,
to holdtheirfire.
I'm sending out the maid
with a message foryou.
Okay, hold your fiƮre.
The maid's coming out.
Didyouget the message?