- Sarah!
- Get back.
You make a move and I kill him.
Hey! Hey, stop!
Stop! Stop, okay?
Okay. Good, good, good, good, good.
Come on. Come on.
Thanks a lot.
Well, halfof my refrigerator is gone.
I haven't checked the rest ofthe house.
- There could be things missing,
for all I know.
- I'm sorry. We're right in the middle
ofa very big manhunt here.
- I can't get anyone up there.
-Jack, I know what you're thinking.
This is not the same thing as them
painting graffiƮti on the side ofthe
wall or-or digging up the flower beds.
- No, I understand--
- I mean, when they actually break into
the house, then I'm sorry, I can't--
I should've ditched you in the woods.
I should've let you freeze
up there in that snow.
I could've left you hanging
on that rock face. You know that.
Aw, Christ.
Gentlemen, we have two new reports.
A motorcycle was stolen
from behind the high school...
and $300 is missing from the till
at the Crown Market.
Now, I know it doesn't sound like much,
but you never know.
- Uh, we're about to
go check out the market.
- Mildred, we're very, very busy here.
They broke into my house.
The kitchen is an absolute pigsty.
I'll get someone up there as soon
as I can. I promise. Okay? Thankyou.