Well, halfof my refrigerator is gone.
I haven't checked the rest ofthe house.
- There could be things missing,
for all I know.
- I'm sorry. We're right in the middle
ofa very big manhunt here.
- I can't get anyone up there.
-Jack, I know what you're thinking.
This is not the same thing as them
painting graffiƮti on the side ofthe
wall or-or digging up the flower beds.
- No, I understand--
- I mean, when they actually break into
the house, then I'm sorry, I can't--
I should've ditched you in the woods.
I should've let you freeze
up there in that snow.
I could've left you hanging
on that rock face. You know that.
Aw, Christ.
Gentlemen, we have two new reports.
A motorcycle was stolen
from behind the high school...
and $300 is missing from the till
at the Crown Market.
Now, I know it doesn't sound like much,
but you never know.
- Uh, we're about to
go check out the market.
- Mildred, we're very, very busy here.
They broke into my house.
The kitchen is an absolute pigsty.
I'll get someone up there as soon
as I can. I promise. Okay? Thankyou.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Exactly what happened in your kitchen?
Inspector, could you check to see if
there were any long-distance phone calls
made from this number?
I don't think they were teenagers.
What teenagers are going to drink
just milk and Cokes...
when there's also beer
in the refrigerator?
On that side, the table and the utensils
have been wiped clean.
Over here, prints everywhere.
The suspect brought Sarah here.
Rope fiƮbres.
He tied her to the leg ofthis table,
sat over there where you are...
and ate.
There was a call.
Vancouver number. 926-0484.