There is one last thing.
There's no new business.
It's an accounting problem.
The Colombians.
Another discrepancy about money.
Sure. They don't know how to count.
I got your word?
One more thing.
How about another bite of that fish?
That's great!
-I give him two drinks.
-That's two too many.
If my brother sees Nino like this. . . .
What will he do, fire him?
He won't fire the chef, Arturo.
But one less bartender
is not a problem.
-He can't drive that car.
-He can have mine.
Your Cadillac?
You want to kill him?
I'll drive.
I go dance.
-No, you're going home.
In the course of last night. . .
. . .something came up
which persuaded me. . .
. . .that Mac dining in that place
is a non-drug related activity.
He won't get away with what he's
done for 15 years and just retire.
What do you suggest?
I suggest you make sure
we have a case.
After all, what are friends for?
We haven 't seen you in a while.
I've been a little busy lately.
And I took a break, you know?
Did you go away for Thanksgiving?
Yeah, I went up to Aspen
and put the skids on.
-Put skids on?
-Yeah, I went skiing.