Whose idea was this?
What idea?
Meeting here.
-Why?-It looks like we're dealing dope.
You like static?
It's tough getting FM, okay?
Under a freewayand high tension wires.
These guys are late. What timewere they going to meet you?
-7:00.-Yeah, they're real late.
Okay, what do I do about it now?
Why don 't you just back upand see if you can get K-EARTH?
Boy, this is not cool. He oughtto lower his brights, at least.
Lights, goddamn it!
Jesus Christ!We're just meeting here...
... to make surewe weren 't followed.
Christ, how did I get here?
He's got the cash. Now we gotto go weigh it and test it.
Why notjust do iton the hood of the car?
Stop here.