Andy Leonard?
Have you seen Andy Leonard in
your restaurant with Dale McKussic?
Yes, they're both
very good customers.
-What's that?
-What's what?
A ''good customer. ''
Someone who is on time.
Who doesn't make personal requests
or demands for unusual dishes.
In other words, you're telling us. . .
. . .you've never had to satisfy any
personal requests for Mr. McKussic.
No, he usually orders off the menu.
Who are you and what's this about?
Agent Maguire.
Federal Drug Enforcement.
Has Andy Leonard been arrested
on some sort of drug charge?
We arrested him.
You think my restaurant is involved?
Leonard's in there all the time.
So is the District Attorney.
Does he sell drugs in my restaurant?
Leonard doesn't have dinner
with the D.A. He does with McKussic.
You think Mr. McKussic
sells drugs there?
All I do is see him eat.
Miss Vallenari, we know
how important your chef is to you.
We have our problems.
We certainly. . .
. . .don't have to help
lmmigration with theirs.
In other words,
if I'll spy on my customers. . .
. . .my chef won't be deported
for drunk driving?
I didn't say that.
Don't bother to explain.
At 8:00, I'll be seating my lawyer
and his ex-partner, a federal judge.
I'm sure they'll explain to me
what you meant.
Hello, I'm Lieutenant Frescia
from the Sheriff's Department.
We've met. . .with Mr. McKussic.
Absolutely. And when you sue him. . .
. . .I don't want to be anywhere
in sight. Get me out of here.