Enough of this shit!
I got to stick this thing
in the water. See if it floats.
-What can I do for you?
-I'm okay.
You don't have to be here yet.
No, I'm fine. Thanks.
Go home and rest
and come back tonight.
No, I'm fine.
It's okay.
I didn't know you. . .
. . .or your relationship with Mac.
I only knew he was hiding something.
It turned out to be his feelings.
But you're so smooth. . .
. . .I figured you were
hiding something too.
How could you tell?
You lie to me about Mac.
You lie to Mac about me.
You lie to the judge
about everybody.
Eventually, you have to lose sight
of the facts, don't you?
You don't lose sight of the facts,
not unless you're nuts.
You lose sight of your feelings.
Mac knows his feelings.
He's crazy for you
and doesn't want to get caught.