How about right now?
Sure, why not?
You say he's giving a party soon.
Hang on.
-And Carlos is coming to town soon.
-Who's your snitch?
He hasn't gotten a damn thing right.
You look for Mac in L.A.,
he's in San Francisco.
You go for Carlos,
you get Mac's kid.
Sin Sisters?
Listen, I'm not authorizing
any more county funds. . .
. . .unless you get someone
who can actually identify Carlos.
What are you talking about?
Is he right there?
Just about.
Everything all right?
Why did you try to get me kicked
out of my favorite restaurant?
You told Jo Ann about me,
didn't you?
Yeah, I did.
You got a reason?
I didn't want her getting hurt.
Is that why you told her
about Carlos?
So she could identify him?
Is that your way of making sure
she doesn't get hurt?
Okay, I fucked up.
I've been seeing a lot of Jo Ann
and it affected my judgment here.
If you want to go after Carlos,
go after him.
Just don't use me to do it, okay?
I don't get it.
He saves your life in a Mexican
prison, so you owe him for 20 years?
-None of my business.