What was I supposed to do?
I didn't know it was
for your child's birthday.
I didn't even know you had a child.
I thought it was for a ''Carlos. ''
Just pretend like
none of this ever happened.
The harbor patrol is involved?
To do surveillance in the marina.
Boats are in the marina.
You see, this is a house.
A house is not going to float away.
It's not going to fucking move!
Yeah, put him through.
How you doing?
In my office. And you?
In my office.
I was wondering
if we can get together somewhere?
Yes, any particular time?
How about right now?
Sure, why not?
You say he's giving a party soon.
Hang on.
-And Carlos is coming to town soon.
-Who's your snitch?
He hasn't gotten a damn thing right.
You look for Mac in L.A.,
he's in San Francisco.
You go for Carlos,
you get Mac's kid.
Sin Sisters?
Listen, I'm not authorizing
any more county funds. . .
. . .unless you get someone
who can actually identify Carlos.
What are you talking about?
Is he right there?
Just about.
Everything all right?
Why did you try to get me kicked
out of my favorite restaurant?
You told Jo Ann about me,
didn't you?
Yeah, I did.
You got a reason?