That's not it.
No, you're suspicious of any woman
who hasn't slept with you.
Jo Ann. . .
. . .that is a wildly off-the-wall
assumption on your part.
What is it? Do you need
some Chap Stick or lip gloss?
Your lips get stuck on your teeth,
or is that your idea of a smile?
That's my idea of a smile.
You are, you're tough.
You're a bad boy, Nick.
You're a very bad boy.
What's this mean?
Redondo Union High.
You smoked in high school?
We were a bunch of rowdies, Jo Ann.
How about an espresso?
I've got to lock up
and I'll never do it like this.
Oh, no!
What are you doing?
I want this under there.
You'll get dirty.
The skylight's indented so rain. . .
. . .fills it up into a puddle
until it becomes a pond, and then. . . .
And then what?
And then you're all wet.
I'm sorry.
I should have just left it.
I don 't know what it is...