Tequila Sunrise

Oh, no!
What are you doing?
I want this under there.
You'll get dirty.
The skylight's indented so rain. . .
. . .fills it up into a puddle
until it becomes a pond, and then. . . .

And then what?
And then you're all wet.
I'm sorry.
I should have just left it.

I don 't know what it is...
...about going to high school
with someone...

... that makes you feel you're
automatically friends for life.

Who says?
Who says friendship lasts forever?
We'd all like to, maybe...
...but maybe itjust wears out
like everything else.

Like tires.
There's just so much mileage in them
and then you're on nothing but air.

Keep your shirt on.
Any word on where
McKussic's giving the party?

How would I know? I'm waiting
to hear it from your snitch.

I keep coming back to this.
What do you think?
