Tequila Sunrise

-I must have grabbed the hundreds.

You owe me.
What? This was a mistake?
Wrong envelope.
Shaleen must have the fifties.

She'll be pissed.
What did you think
I was trying to buy for $5000?

-Man, you all right?
-Yeah, I'm fine. He's hurt.

Could you get everybody out of here?
I'll get the gate.
What do you see?
A Kleenex.
Blow your nose on that!
Still hurt?
I feel like shit.
Mom's going to blame this on you.

Cody, watch your language.
How about I send over
some angel hair pasta?

Would you like that?
Thank you.
Be well, Cody.
I don't know what I'd have done
if you hadn't come along.

Greg had my car.
I'm sorry, I don't usually
do things like that.

They make you sign forms
when your kid's neck. . . .

Why don't you sit down?
I'll just have some Herradura.
Your boy lives with you?
-That depends.
-On what?

Money and his mama's mood.
Haven't you had enough?
You want to hear if Cody wakes up
and needs something, don't you?
