Tequila Sunrise

Where've you been?
I've been looking for you.

In Chula Vista,
selling farm equipment.

What are the Sin Sisters doing here?
Just cranking on the coke.
I'm just kidding.
They're just leaving.

What can I do for you?
I'll do anything.

Name it.
Start by cleaning off that table,
and get some new paddles and balls.

Suddenly up for Ping-pong?
And drop something off
at Vallenari's for me.

-Who for?
-Jo Ann Vallenari.

-Aren't you going there tonight?
-I want to clean up first.

Besides, she can look that over
before we talk.

-Could you give it a rest?
-Whatever, man. I hear you.

What is it?
The cop.
He's waiting for you.

How nice.
Not nice,
he thinks he did you a favor.

And cops are the worst barflies.
It's not worth it, I tell you.
You just don't like his looks,

It's quite an experience
to watch you work.

Like you're in a play,
everything's on cue.

You're kind of letter-perfect.
Do you ever flub your lines?
Are you politely suggesting
I lack spontaneity?

Have you seen Mac?
He's going to ask you
to cater a party.

That is our business.
We think it involves his business.
Are you suggesting I refuse because
it's a party for drug dealers?

But if it's for this one particular
guy, he's particularly unpleasant.
