Arturo will come for it.
-Take care of it.
-Everything okay?
Somebody dropped
last night's evidence. . .
. . .including Nino's urine specimen.
What's that mean?
It means
we'll have to drop the case.
No court?
No court.
Take it easy, for Chrissake!
I work here.
What's on your mind?
The way I met you with Mr. McKussic.
You seemed like friends.
I'm sorry.
It's really none of my business.
You've been terrific.
Don't worry about it.
Just buy me dinner
one of these days.
Any goddamn day you want.
Thank you so much.
We got the word your friend
has got a deal cooking.
We're going to nail him.
If anybody can do it, you can.
Why'd you let her chef go?
She's tough, isn't she?
-She beat the shit out of you.
-The hell she did.
The hell she didn't. Ask anybody.
What you got going on here?