It's still under construction.
For those of youse
what ain't yet guessed,
I am an entertainer,
or what's left of one.
I go by the name
Virginia Hamm.
Ain't that a kick
in the rubber parts?
You should hear some
of my former handles.
Anita Mann.
Fonda Boys.
Claire Voyant.
Fay Ways.
Bang Bang La Desh.
Yeah. I'm Among The Last
Of A Dying Breed.
Well, once the E.R.A.
And gay civil rights bills
have been passed,
me and mine will be swept
under the carpets
like the blacks done
to Amos, Andy, and Aunt Jemima.
That's all right.
With a voice
and a face like this,
I'm not worried.
I can always drive a cab.
You know, there are easier
things in life
than being a drag queen,
but I ain't got no choice.
See, um...
Try as I may,
I just can't walk in flats.
You know, there was
one guy once.
His name was Charlie.
He was everything
you could want in an affair
and more.
Oh, he was tall.
The deafness was the "more."
He ain't never
yelled at me.
Never complained
if I snored.
All his friends
was nice and quiet.
I even learned me some
of that deaf sign language.
Oh, I...I remember some.