Cookie. Ahh.
All right, that's the shot,
Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut!
What the hell was wrong with that take?
- Nothing with you, Baby Herman.
You were great. You were perfect.
You were better than perfect.
Just Roger.
He keeps blowing his lines!
- Roger, what's this?
- A tweeting bird.
A tweeting bird?
Roger, read the script. Look what it says.
It says, "Rabbit gets clunked.
Rabbit sees stars".
Not birds, stars!
- Can we lose the playback, please?
- Roger, you're killin' me. Killin' me.
- For cryin' out loud, Roger!
How the hell many times
do we have to do this damn scene?
Raoul, I'll be in my trailer!
Takin' a nap! 'Scuse me, Toots.
My stomach can't take this.
This set is a mess. Clean this set up.
And get him outta there
or seal him up in it!
- Lose the lights. And say lunch.
- Lunch!
That's lunch. We're on a half.
P-please, Raoul, I can give you stars.
Just drop the refrigerator
on my head one more time.
Roger, I dropped it
on your head 23 times already.
I can take it.
Don't worry about me.
I'm not worried about you.
I'm worried about the refrigerator.
I can give you stars. Look!
Look. Look!
Please, Raoul, I can doit, I swear,
Just give me another chance,
Mr. Maroon, Mr. Valiant's here to...
He'll be right with you.
No, no, no! Wait until he gets to
his feet, Then hit him with the boulder,
Right, R.K.
How much do you know about
show business, Mr. Valiant?