P-please, Raoul, I can give you stars.
Just drop the refrigerator
on my head one more time.
Roger, I dropped it
on your head 23 times already.
I can take it.
Don't worry about me.
I'm not worried about you.
I'm worried about the refrigerator.
I can give you stars. Look!
Look. Look!
Please, Raoul, I can doit, I swear,
Just give me another chance,
Mr. Maroon, Mr. Valiant's here to...
He'll be right with you.
No, no, no! Wait until he gets to
his feet, Then hit him with the boulder,
Right, R.K.
How much do you know about
show business, Mr. Valiant?
Only there's no business like it,
no business I know.
Yeah, and there's
no business more expensive.
I'm 25 grand over budget on
the latest Baby Herman cartoon.
You saw the rabbit blowin' his lines.
He can't keep his mind on his work.
- You know why?
- One too many refrigerators
dropped on his head?
Nah, he's a toon.
You can drop anything you want
on his head, he'll shake it off.
But break his heart, he goes
to pieces, just like you or me.
Read that.
"Seen Cooing over Calamari
with Not-So-New Sugar Daddy...
Was Jessica Rabbit, Wife of
Maroon Cartoon Star Roger".
What's this got to do with me?
You're the private detective.
You figure it out.
Look, I don't have time for this.
Look, Valiant, his wife's poison,
but he thinks she's Betty Crocker.
I want you to follow her.
Get me a couple of nice, juicy pictures
I can wise the rabbit up with.
Forget it.
I don't work Toontown.
- What's wrong with Toontown?
Every Joe loves Toontown.
- Then get Joe to do the job.
- 'Cause I ain't goin'.
- Whoa, fella.