[ Cooing ]
[Bird Twittering]
[ Coos ]
Dada! Dada!
- Whoa! Whoa!
Dada! Dada!
We found something in the river.
I can't run offand play
with you now. Ranon.
- I've got work to do.
- You gotta come. Hury!
[ Chuckles ]
Come on.
Don't go near it.
We don't know where it's been.
But. Dada. it's a baby.
- It's not like us.
- No. It's not a Nelwyn.
- Itlooks likea Daikinibaby.
- What's a Daikini?
Daikinis are big.
- Giants who live far away.
- [ Laughing ]
Oh. she's so cute.
- Can't we keep it. Dada?
- No!
We'll push it downstream and forget
we ever saw it. Come on.
- Come on.
- Ufgood! WillowUfgood!
Shhh! It's the prefect.
That's all I need.
Keep it quiet.
Don't touch it.