
Dada! Dada!
We found something in the river.

I can't run offand play
with you now. Ranon.

- I've got work to do.
- You gotta come. Hury!

[ Chuckles ]
Come on.
Don't go near it.
We don't know where it's been.

But. Dada. it's a baby.
- It's not like us.
- No. It's not a Nelwyn.

- Itlooks likea Daikinibaby.
- What's a Daikini?

Daikinis are big.
- Giants who live far away.
- [ Laughing ]

Oh. she's so cute.
- Can't we keep it. Dada?
- No!

We'll push it downstream and forget
we ever saw it. Come on.

- Come on.
- Ufgood! WillowUfgood!

Shhh! It's the prefect.
That's all I need.

Keep it quiet.
Don't touch it.

[Woman]Mr. Burglekutt, myhusband

Ufgood. you still haven't
paid your debts to me.

Where did you
get these seeds?

Well. maybe I used magic.
[ Laughs ] You're no sorcerer. Ufgood.
You're a clown.

I sell the planting seeds around here.
Now tell me whereyou got them.

My family's been gathering them
in the forest since last fall.

- There's no law against that.
- [Children Laughing]

Willow. you didn't leave
them alone by the river?

You'll need magic...

ifyou expect to getyour planting
done before the rains start.

I will have this land. And you're
gonna end up working in the mines.

- [ Burglekutt ] Baaa--
- [ Hog Snorting ]

[ Giggling ]
Oh. you're lovely.
