I am every bit Holmes's equal
as a detective.
I happen to know that you
recently recovered from an illness,
that you smoke a pipe...
probably rosewood...
and you spent time in China.
This is no time for parlor games.
This is a matter for professionals.
You gotta help me!
There's two big men...
You're back!
So good to see you!
Isn't this a clever disguise?
A drunken lout... very realistic.
This woman said
I pinched her bottom...
Pinched her bum! Ha ha!
Gentlemen... Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
It's good to see the department
is letting you out at night again.
Trouble at the Exchequer?
Well, to be honest...
Wait... how did you know?
The same way that I can tell
you've recently recovered
from an illness, smoke a pipe...
probably rosewood...
- and have spent some time in...
- China.
Thank you.
Before we start,
perhaps a little sherry?
I wish we could,
but the matter which brings me here
involves the fate
of the entire Empire.
I see. Perhaps a whiskey, then?
Perhaps later.
Tell me the details,
and omit nothing.
- Watson, pay close attention.
- Do you know what these are?
- I do.
- So do I.
Plates for the Bank of England's
five pound note.
- Undoubtedly.
- Or very good imitations.
- Precisely.
- Exactly.
That's cleared that up.
How about that whiskey?
- May I?
- I suppose so.