Working Girl

$6,000? It's not even leather.
- Cyn, I can't breathe so good.
- Oh, God. Come here.

Sit down. Let's see
if she's got anything soothing.

Valium. In the convenient economy size.
- You sure?
- Just chills you ever so slightly.

You won't even notice it.
Are you sure about this?
You wanna be taken seriously,
you need serious hair.

Go for the jugular.
There are 19 million shares outstanding.

We got 25. We get another 5,
we've got 'em by the throat.

Trainer, let's grab 'em by the balls.
Cut 'em off at the knees. They'll be
eating out of our hands. What do you say?

- Anybody thirsty?
- We need this one, Trainer.

- You need this one.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
