A Dry White Season

and he has agreed to represent you
at the inquest.

Thank you, Mr. Ben.
He's the best we can get.
You mean well, sir, but it is better to forget.
If we keep the pain alive,
the hate will weaken our faith.

They killed my child, who was a good child.
They killed my husband,
who did what a father must do.

People must know the truth.
The living close the eyes of the dead.
And now the dead
will open the eyes of the living.

Are you not afraid of the road
you are taking, Sister Emily?

We are now leaving beautiful Soweto,
the high-class slaughterhouse.

Who are you, Stanley?
A mean black cat in the night, lani.
I bet you are.
- And Emily?
- She is like a sister.

- We grew up together.
- Then you're a Zulu?

Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho, whatever.
I'm African, that's all.

Me, too.
My father had a farm.
I grew up like any African boy in the bush.
Ate African porridge.
No shoes except Sunday.

Barefoot. No vote. Carry passbook.
Robben Island jail. Careful, lani.
- Good morning, Dr. Herzog.
- Morning.

I was wondering if you could assist me
in identifying these objects.

Do you recognize them?
The appear to be human teeth.
Yes, they're from the body of the deceased.
Gordon Ngubene.
It may be so.
Were you notified by Captain Stolz?
