A Dry White Season

- We grew up together.
- Then you're a Zulu?

Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho, whatever.
I'm African, that's all.

Me, too.
My father had a farm.
I grew up like any African boy in the bush.
Ate African porridge.
No shoes except Sunday.

Barefoot. No vote. Carry passbook.
Robben Island jail. Careful, lani.
- Good morning, Dr. Herzog.
- Morning.

I was wondering if you could assist me
in identifying these objects.

Do you recognize them?
The appear to be human teeth.
Yes, they're from the body of the deceased.
Gordon Ngubene.
It may be so.
Were you notified by Captain Stolz?
Ngubene complained of a toothache.
And what was noteworthy
about his appearance?

You see, the police report reads:
The injuries to his head and body
were extensive.

Doesn't that stir your memory just a trifle?
I don't know.
You don't know whether it does or not?
I remember pulling the rotten teeth
from his mouth.

And did you administer an anesthetic...
before you tore the teeth from his jaws?
I don't recall.
And who ordered you to pull those teeth?
I don't recall.
Dr. Herzog, what day is it today?
Friday, the 24th.
I'm greatly relieved.
I thought that you have lost
complete control of your faculties.

That will be all. Thank you.
No more questions.
