We have three police graphologists
who will swear that it is.
Only three?
You see, Dr. Hassiem found...
that the abrasions
on the prisoner's neck were... Oh, yes.
"Were not made by rope, but chains."
Objection! Where is the witness
for this assertion, Your Worship?
Dr. Hassiem is my witness.
You know that Dr. Hassiem
is not available to testify.
I am also aware that he can be summoned
by Your Worship to this courtroom.
And he will be accompanied
by armed guards...
then chained, neck, hand, and foot...
and all in a matter of minutes.
I'm afraid we cannot dismiss acts of treason
just when we like, Mr. McKenzie.
Are you at all concerned, Your Worship,
that he might be carrying...
some explosive charges
in one of the recesses of his body...
with the intention of blowing
this entire courtroom to smithereens?
Mr. McKenzie, I must caution you
as to your remarks.
I am warning you, this court will not tolerate
contemptuous fripperies.
I beg your pardon, sir.
Your Worship...
I shall call another witness who will attest
to Ngubene's physical welfare.
Call Archibald Mabaso.
I am going to read out to the court
a statement that you signed...
Archibald Mabaso.
Do you understand?
"I saw him brought in the late afternoon.
"I had a few words with him.
"He looked very good.
"I saw no one go into his cell
till the morning...
"when they found him dead."
"He" being Ngubene?