This is my cab.
HAROLD: I was here first!
Oh, God.
Taxi! Taxi!
[Cars honking]
HAROLD: Let's go across. Come on.
HAROLD: We'll get one down the road.
WOMAN: For God's sake, Harold,
can we please get a taxi?
HAROLD: I'm trying to get a... Taxi!
JIMMY: We're going the wrong way!
Jimmy, put that away.
We look like tourists.
HAROLD: Let's cut over to Seventh.
JIMMY: Seventh is that way.
HAROLD: I know where we are!
PANHANDLER: Hey, give me a dollar.
How about it? One dollar.
Are you deaf? You don't speak English?
HAROLD: Come on! Up here.
[Harold groans]
GOON: Hey, lady...
...do the kid a favor. Don't scream.
[Woman screams]
[Dramatic instrumental music]
Hey, all right!
American Express card.
"Don't leave home without it. "
[Goons chuckle]
Get out of here.
I don't like it up here.
Are you scared of heights?
I don't know.
After what happened to Johnny Gobs...