You look fine.
I didn't ask.
MAN: Yeah. Hanging on.
[Sirens blaring]
[Man groaning and crying]
ECKHARDT: Let me guess.
Giant, menacing, supernatural form.
Kind of like a bat.
COP: That's it. What are they seeing
up there?
They're drinking Drano.
COP: It's weird.
KNO X: Thanks for the tip.
Christ. Knox.
KNO X: Lieutenant, I hear we had
another Bat attack.
That's eight sightings in a month.
I hear the Commissioner's opened a file.
Sorry, Knox.
These two slipped on a banana peel.
GOON: I'm telling you, a giant bat!
Don't write about this. It will ruin
your already useless reputation.
Lieutenant, every punk
in this town is scared.
They say he can't be killed.
They say he drinks blood.
I say you're full of shit, Knox.
You can quote me on that.
KNO X: Is there a six-foot bat
in Gotham City?
Is he on the police payroll?
What's he pulling down, after taxes?
[Knox chuckles]
[Sirens blaring in the distance]