
Sorry, Knox.
These two slipped on a banana peel.

GOON: I'm telling you, a giant bat!
Don't write about this. It will ruin
your already useless reputation.

Lieutenant, every punk
in this town is scared.

They say he can't be killed.
They say he drinks blood.
I say you're full of shit, Knox.
You can quote me on that.
KNO X: Is there a six-foot bat
in Gotham City?

Is he on the police payroll?
What's he pulling down, after taxes?
[Knox chuckles]
[Sirens blaring in the distance]
JACK: Brought you a little snack, Eckhardt.
ECKHARDT: Why don't you broadcast it?
JACK: Shut up and listen.

Harvey Dent has been sniffing
around one of our front companies.

ECKHARDT: That's my territory.
If there's a problem, I deal with it.

Your problems are our problems.
I answer to Grissom, not to psychos.
You ought to think about the future.
You mean when you run the show?
You got no future, Jack.

ECKHARDT: You're an A-1 nut-boy,
and Grissom knows it.

[Gun trigger clicks]
Better be sure.
