[Young people laugh]
JOKER: I love a good party.
So, truce.
Commence au festival!
JOKER: And I've got a surprise
for Gotham City.
At midnight, I will dump
20 million in cash...
... on the crowd.
[Crowd gasping]
JOKER: Don't worry about me.
I've got enough.
We are not prepared to discuss any deals.
You heard it, folks, 20 million.
JOKER: And there will be entertainment.
The big dukeroo. With me in one corner,
and in the other corner...
... the man who has brought
real terror to Gotham City...
... Batman.
JOKER: Can you hear me?
Just the two of us.
Mano y mano.
I have taken off my make-up.
JOKER: Let's see...
... if you can take off yours.