Zero plus zero equals Toto.
It feels so nice here,
I forgot I'm in a hurry.
Monsieur Rodin,
I'd like some marble.
You've worked on stone?
Granite. In the country.
Rhinoceros, granite...
You like challenges, Miss Claudel?
...we'll all
think it over...
We'll see about the lessons.
There are other teachers...
Young ladies, good-bye.
He's so handsome and strong!
And bright! What do you think?
What do you mean, nothing?
We didn't ask him here
to tell us stories.
That was just to get acquainted.
I can't afford it anyway.
That type says, "I know, you don't.
I see, you don't."
You're exaggerating, Camille.
He never mentioned our work!
Do you realize?
What a lout!