I don't know anything
about business.
Perhaps you would be interested
in buying me out?
Well. Maybe I could
give you something...
for your part of the business.
What neighborhood of something
would we be talking about?
- You'll be all right?
- Bye. Mom.
See you in the city. Son.
I'm taking Mitchie with me.
I don't think riding on that thing
is good for his gonads.
- My sympathies. Maria.
- Bye.
Good-bye. Larry.
Thank you.
- Bye-bye.
- Are you coming with us. Maria?
Why are we here?
I thought you were taking me home.
- Do you want to go home? I'll take you.
- No. That's all right.
I just wondered.
What were you singing?
I wasn't singing.
You just didn't think I could hear you
over the engine. But I could.
You don't cry at weddings.
but you sing at funerals.
You told me you weren't
an interesting person.
- I'm not.
- Come on. What were you singing?
I don't sing for people.
It's private.
Well. Hum a few bars then.
What song is that?
Boy. I still have no idea.
It's a Beatles song.
Come on. Guess.
I hate to break this to you.
but that tune has no resemblance...
to any song
the Beatles ever recorded.