
Why are we here?
I thought you were taking me home.

- Do you want to go home? I'll take you.
- No. That's all right.

I just wondered.
What were you singing?
I wasn't singing.
You just didn't think I could hear you
over the engine. But I could.

You don't cry at weddings.
but you sing at funerals.

You told me you weren't
an interesting person.

- I'm not.
- Come on. What were you singing?

I don't sing for people.
It's private.

Well. Hum a few bars then.

What song is that?
Boy. I still have no idea.
It's a Beatles song.
Come on. Guess.

I hate to break this to you.
but that tune has no resemblance...

to any song
the Beatles ever recorded.

It's "The Long and Winding Road."
Oh. No. No.
that goes more like...

You're worse than I am.
- Are you going to push me off?
- I thought you trusted me.

Here. Hold on to my shoulders.

Push against me.
Isn't that exciting?

I guess so.
Come here.
- My boat.
- It's great.

- I mean. It could be great.
- She could be great.

You always refer to a boat
as a female.

I guess if you're some sweaty sailor
out at sea for a year...

you need to use
your imagination.

What are you going to do with she?
I'm going to fix her up and sail off
into the sunset.

You have a rich fantasy life.
don't you?
