Dead Poets Society

Burn that, especially my picture.
Dead Poets Society.
- I say we go tonight.
- Tonight?
- Now wait a minute.

Everybody in?
- Where's this cave he's talking about?
- It's beyond the stream.
I know where it is.

That's miles!
- Sounds boring to me.
- Don't come.

- Do you know how many demerits
we're talking, Dalton?
- So don't come. Please.

Look, all I'm saying
is that we have to be careful.

- We can't get caught.
- No shit, Sherlock.

You boys there, hurry up!
All right. Who's in?
- Oh, come on, Neil, Hager's the...
- Forget Hager! No. Who's in?

I'm in.
- I'm warning you! Move!
- Me, too.

- I don't know, Neil.
- What? Pitts!

- Pittsie, come on!
- His grades are hurting, Charlie.

- You can help him, Meeks.
- What is this? A midnight study group?

Forget it, Pitts, you're coming.
Meeks, your grades hurting, too?

- I'll try anything once.
- Except sex.

I'm in as long as we're careful.
- What about you, Knox?
- I don't know, Charlie.

Come on, Knox,
it'll help you get Chris.

Yeah? How?
Women swoon!
But why do they swoon? Charlie,
tell me why they swoon. Charlie!

You're not listening.
Any questions?

Look, you follow the stream
to the waterfall.

It's right there.
It's gotta be like that...

I don't know.
It's starting to sound dangerous.

- Oh. Why don't you just stay home?
- Hey, you're crazy.

For God's sake,
stop chattering and sit down!

- Todd, are you coming tonight?
- No.

Why not? God, you were there.
You heard Keating.
Don't you want to do something about...

Y-Yes. But...
But, but what?
Keating said that everybody
took turns reading and...
