Dead Poets Society

"In a mean abode in the Shankill Road
lived a man named William Bloat.

Now he had a wife,
the plague of his life...

who continually got his goat.
And one day at dawn
with her night shift on...

he slit her bloody throat."
- Oh, and it gets worse.
- Do you wanna hear a real poem?

- Want this?
- All right? No, I don't need it.
You take it.

- What, did you bring one?
- You memorized a poem?

I didn't memorize a poem.
Move up.

- An original piece by Charlie Dalton.
- An original piece.

- Take centre stage.
- You know this is history.

Right? This is history.
- Oh, wow.
- Where did you get that?

- Where did you get that?
- Whoa.

"Teach me to love?
Go teach thyself more wit.
l, chief professor, am of it.
The god of love,
if such a thing there be...

may learn to love from me."
Wow! Did you write that?
Abraham Cowley.
Okay, who's next?
Alfred Lord Tennyson.
"Come, my friends.
'Tis not too late
to seek a newer world.

For my purpose holds
to sail beyond the sunset.

And though we are not now
that strength which in old days...

moved earth and heaven...
that which we are, we are.
One equal temper of heroic hearts...
made weak by time and fate,
but strong in will.

To strive, to seek, to find...
and not to yield."
"Then I had religion.
Then I had a vision.

I could not turn from
their revel in derision.

Then I saw the Congo
creeping through the black...

cutting through the forest
with a golden track."

- Then I saw the Congo
creeping through the black...
- Meeks. Meeks.

cutting through the forest
with a golden track.

Then I saw the Congo
creeping through the black...

cutting through the forest
with a golden track.
