Do the Right Thing

That's right,Jheri-curl alert.
Ifyou have one, stay inside,
oryou'll have
a permanent plastic helmet.

All right, we're going to
say hello to Mister and Missus,

that's Mister and Missus.
Happy birthday to Big Red
and Miss Annie Mae, 1 00 today.
Stay out ofthis heat,
andyou might live that long.
There's a water shortage,
so keep those showers
to one minute.

Two, ifyou're with a friend.
Get on out there.
Dam n! Whoo!
I t is hot!
Get that pink slip.
So get up, get out!
That's what I'm talking about.
We don't want to see
anybody lose theirjob

'cause nobody
got no money as it is.

All right. Now we're
going to talk about it.

We're going
to rock 'n ' roll...

Good m-m-morni ng?
M-M-My name is Smiley?
This is M-M-M-M-Malcolm??
And this is
M-M-M-M-Martin K-K-King?

th-they are d-d-dead??
but w-we still
h-h-have to f-f-f-fight

a-against ap-apartheid?
1 0, 1 5, 20, 30, 40, 50,
60, 70, 80, 1 00?

20, 40, 60, shit!
20, 40, 60, 80??
Wait, that's 300?

300, 350, 450??
cash dollar bills?
