And this is
M-M-M-M-Martin K-K-King?
th-they are d-d-dead??
but w-we still
h-h-have to f-f-f-fight
a-against ap-apartheid?
1 0, 1 5, 20, 30, 40, 50,
60, 70, 80, 1 00?
20, 40, 60, shit!
20, 40, 60, 80??
Wait, that's 300?
300, 350, 450??
cash dollar bills?
Mookie? Why areyou always
bothering me when I'm sleeping--
Wake up, wake up?
Stop breathing
down my neck?
Why should I wake up?
It's going to be hot,Jade?
Saturday's the only day
I get to sleep late?
Stop, Mookie?
That's not funny?
Leave me alone
when I'm sleeping?
You don't love
Brother Mookie anymore?
I loves you,Jade?
I'll get a lock
and keepyour ass out ofhere?
Why don'tyou go to work, man,
and leave me alone?
Later, got to get paid?
Yeah, brush your teeth?
I brushed my teeth?
Your breath stinks?
It's your upper lip?
What's up, Sal?
Howyou doin' there, boy?
Man, I got to get me
a Cadillac like that?
I'm getting a car
just like that?