My people, my people??
What can I say?
Saywhat I can?
I saw it, but I didn't believe it?
I didn't believe it, what I saw?
Are we going to live together?
Together are we going to live?
This is your
Mister SeƱor Love Daddy
talking toyou
from We-Love radio,
108 FM on your dial,
and that's the triple truth, Ruth?
Today's weather?
Wake up!
My money? Shit!
Where are you going?
To get my money?
Don't try that shit, OK?
You're going to run out,
and I won't see your ass
for anotherweek?
It's not like that?
You don't give
a fucking shit about me,
and you don't
give a shit aboutyour son?
I care aboutyou and my son?
Why don'tyou be a man?
I am a man?
Then act like a man?
Why don'tyou be
a fucking man, Mookie?
I'm so tired ofyour shit?
Why do we have to
go over this again?
Becauseyou don't
fucking listen, Mookie!
Lfyou listen to me,
I wouldn't have to repeat myself
like a fucking radio!
What kind of motheryou are
using fucking language like that?
What kind of mother am I?
Your ass isn't even here!
Get anothervocabulary, right?
Get a fucking life?
Yeah? Look??
I'll be back?
Don't leave, Mookie?
Don't leave?
I'm tired ofthis shit?
You walk out that door, that's it?
All right?
I have to get my money from Sal?
I'll be back?