You're going to run out,
and I won't see your ass
for anotherweek?
It's not like that?
You don't give
a fucking shit about me,
and you don't
give a shit aboutyour son?
I care aboutyou and my son?
Why don'tyou be a man?
I am a man?
Then act like a man?
Why don'tyou be
a fucking man, Mookie?
I'm so tired ofyour shit?
Why do we have to
go over this again?
Becauseyou don't
fucking listen, Mookie!
Lfyou listen to me,
I wouldn't have to repeat myself
like a fucking radio!
What kind of motheryou are
using fucking language like that?
What kind of mother am I?
Your ass isn't even here!
Get anothervocabulary, right?
Get a fucking life?
Yeah? Look??
I'll be back?
Don't leave, Mookie?
Don't leave?
I'm tired ofthis shit?
You walk out that door, that's it?
All right?
I have to get my money from Sal?
I'll be back?
Your shit's to the curb,
and I'm tired ofit?
You need to step off
with your stupid-ass self?
You need to get
a fucking life, Mookie,
because the oneyou got
is not working!
I ain't going to deal
with this shit no more!
Fucking ass, stupid ass,
fucking pendejo.
Shit? Fuck?
Fucking shit?
Good morning?
Is it a good morning?
Yes, indeed?
You almost gotyourself
killed last night?
I've done that before?
Where did you sleep?
I didn't?
I hope the block is still standing?
We're still standing?